Sunday, 15 February 2015

End of Year Show Brief - Research/Development & Design


For the end of the year show brief Jasper , Sam and I are working together in a small group to come up with a concept. The concept has to be something new and innovative that hasn't been done before and shouldn't necessarily be graphic design based. It can reflect other areas of craft and design.

Jasper Sam and I have decided to work together on the pitch for End of Year Show.


Research examples

Colourful paper craft - Kaleidoscope theme?

 Bold - Refine exhibition promotional poster-
3D Signage-

 3D Wall infographics-
 Orange perspex-

Lighting signage-

 Painted signage-

Initial Ideas:

Before meeting up with Jasper and Sam i wrote down some notes to try and think of some direction for the pitch and concept.

previous years: - ' Out with a band ' ' This is not the end '

Naming -

Show case
Experience - Sense , Practice , Exposure , Bloom

Saying collection of words - In the making - Progression

Finish line , on your marks get set go.

When meeting up with the group Jasper had produced a large list of all the names we could use. We went through as a group and shortlisted a few.

We decided to keep ..

'Its not you its me'

' We are '

We are we discussed how each name be could applied and we are had more of a theme behind it.

We decided on having each courses name with we are before.


The main thing we wanted was strong visuals and legibility for everyone who comes to the end of year show.
We felt 'WE ARE END OF YEAR SHOW 2015' worked really well.

The next step is to start developing with colour and type and see how our way finding can be applied.

We decided we wanted to use fluorescent colours and a bold type.

Way finding idea.

 I Started experimentation creating a poster using some of the words we had used.

Web mockup:

I took a screen shot from the website and recreated a mockup page so we could see how our concept would work across web page and also for our pitch.

We had decided in our group we would have the WE ARE in black and the other text in green.

 I also mocked the Gif up which sam had created using the same variation of colour scheme for our invite.
We came up with an idea of printing off flyers and having people write what they thought LCA repsrsents Jasper wrote some text out and scanned it in and overplayed the writing onto the flyers in green.

New Manifesto -

We, the creative minds of Leeds college of art strive to be the best in our disciplines. As a community we tirelessly work in collaborations to create new, innovative work. Our individual practice is fueled by creativity and experimentation. We are ready to be unleashed in to the industry and revolutionise our creative fields. We are the class of 2015. This is who we are.

Mocked up externally:

We decided in our group Sam would produce the Gif and promotional material/mockups and Jasper would do the way finding and flyers. Now we have all the elements individually we need to put the pitch together. I feel the work has been split equally and that the three of us have worked really well as a collective and I'm really pleased with our concept.

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