Christmas Tree Brief
Today several of us got involved in an art direction/Instillation brief with Tony Broomhead. I was initially wanting to do the brief as it sounded interesting due to the fact i would like to go into art direction after graduation.
The brief was to produce a christmas tree out of card and then rebuild it using foam board the christmas tree theme was to have a forever tree. I first did a small bit of research to get an idea of something we could produce with a meaningful theme but a simplistic design.
We come up with a number of ideas these were our main ones:
- We decided that we would build a tree that simply slots into one and other
- Our idea was to have a christmas tree with a strong theme and we liked the idea of either a calendar or business cards hung from the tree.
- We also thought of these ideas combined on one tree but we felt it might be slightly complicated.
Our prototype-
We than began making the prototype on the foam board we decided to make the tree with black foam board and then using white foam board to produce the square shapes.
My job was to measure the width of the shapes and then cut a slot into the triangles to make the shapes join together and link properly.
This was our prototype with out the white shelves (shapes) on there.
Tony drew us a small diagram of what he would be wanting for our A3 poster to show our design and final product.
Tony all so drew us this small diagram to get a stand made of timber to support out foam tree.
The small base drawing gave our group the idea to go ahead and get the actual tree made from wood.
When the session came to the end Laura and Ellen went to speak to woodwork we were aloud to then further carry on designing using any stock we wanted. The teacher from woodwork was really happy to make us a wooden tree the same design as ours and drill small holes in so we were able to hang on there business cards for the staff of where ever the tree will end up.
I loved todays workshop it was really beneficial to me to play around with packaging and it was interesting to see how the two groups come up with different concepts and final results. It was also nice to get chance to step away from the computer and have that hands on approach with a project. I am really looking forward to the PR event to show our finished product.
Our Final product -
Our A3 Design sheet -
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