Thursday, 27 November 2014

Design/Experimentation - Album Artwork Brief


When first designing i decided to go straight for the idea of the feathers as this was what we took the images for and decided i could play around with filters in the photoshop. Kirsty had previously explained she wanted a floaty ambient themed album artwork involving feathers. 

The songs we are designing artwork for are

- Night fall

- Falling

- You & i 

- & her Ep cover.

Feather Variations-

 I began getting a really nice consistancy having the feather image not top of the gradient and having it slightly show through.
I next tired variations of clouds with feathers for night fall single.

I began to look at typefaces i decided that something really light and floaty would perfectly represent her music and style.

When Jamie and i were researching we came across a very minimal feather and dream catcher illustration vector. We decided to create our own variations.

We then applied these to album artwork-

 These are some of Jamies Variations-

 You and i single-

 Half way through us designing i decided to make a Facebook page just for the album artwork because jamie and i were both individually sending Kirsty Mcque work over Facebook and to keep everything in one place made sense simply creating a facbeook page so everyone could see everything going on. 

 These were five final images i sent Kirsty - 

I incorporated clouds with the feathers for night fall.

This was my favourite variaition with the purple tones through the feathers.

I next created a series of business cards which would be left out at the exhibition for people to pick up.

I designed them with the soundcloud information on , her Facebook and email address.

This was a feather background used to go on the back of the business cards.

 Final Covers (Backgrounds)

Kirsty picked these three designs plus Jamie's you & i design to be put in the exhibition.


Extra bits for the exhibitions consisted of producing vinyl for the Kirsty Mcque sign. We did this with white vinyl onto black mount board.

We used sticky paper to help the letters stick to the type then rubbed the scalpel over the letters off the other side so they printed and sticked to the mount board.
Cut out business cards-

Final Four Designs printed and cut out - 

I really enjoyed working with Jamie again for this brief i wish we had had slightly more time to try and produce any other possible outcomes. Although I am really pleased with our designs. Jamie is really good to work with and i feel as though we have an efficient working strategy and equally share the work load which is important. Jamie and I will be working together after christmas to further develop Kirstys album artwork for her new Ep which i am really looking forward to.

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